Thursday, September 17, 2009

Reform For The Whole

A September 12, 2009 article I read on BBC News talked about protests over President Obama's health care reform plans. It also gave a brief summary of current and possible future health care costs under President Obama's plan.
The article opens with a bold caption stating, "Tens of thousands of people have marched from the White House to Capitol Hill in Washington to protest against Barack Obama's health care reforms." It goes on to discuss a Minneapolis rally in which the president hoped to boost supporters and gave a brief quote from the rally. The article continues stating that the president's administration was attacked outside of Washington over these reforms and "out-of-control-spending." It states that the USA's current health care costs are over 2 trillion dollars annually. Lastly, it concludes with a summary of the costs, in the area of 900 billion dollars, and of President Obama's health care plan also stating that the president said his doors are open for other serious reform ideas.
I believe this article covers a very pressing current national topic and issue and is something that every adult United States citizen should be concerned with. I think the article is at least somewhat unbiased, which can be hard to find, and can be informative to someone less knowledgeable on the topic. This issue could very well affect all American's; the health care plan could provide insurance to those who are currently uninsured and/or could raise or decrease the current private insurance costs.