Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Country Against Itself

Since the 2008 election there has been much debate, or argument, about whether the elected president Obama will be able to hold up to his promises made during his campaign and whether or not he is on the right track to accomplishing his goals as our newly elected commander and chief. Many citizens, news articles, and main stream media hosts have argued that he in fact cannot, will not, and has not thus far lived up to our expectations while many others argue quite the opposite. Many accusations have been made against our new president, many of which have over time proved to be full of nothing but fallacies. One of these false accusations directed towards the president was that the president planned to immediately pull a large number, if not all, of our troops out of Iraq to bring them home. This was simply a misconception by the hopeful but ill informed American citizens. Although his plan was to in fact pull a large number of troops out of Iraq, a huge part of the campaign was in doing so to transfer them to Afghanistan where he and several other chiefs of staff believed the war on terrorism should have been all along. A few other serious misconceptions, I discovered in an August 22 White House press release, made by the American people in regards to their expectations of president Obama were things like illegal immigrants being covered by his new health care reform, abortions funded by the taxpayers money, reform leading to entire governmental take over of our health care, and "death panels" being formed to decide who receives health care treatment and benefits. Most of these are chalked up to outrageous rumors but when a rumor is taken seriously by a large enough group of people, it can lead to an out of control uprising and unruly mass of emotionally driven citizens. I firmly believe that president Obama is doing, has done, and will continue to do a better than fair job in office and strive to act upon not only what is ethically and morally in the best interests of our country, but will do the same for people the world over as a whole. If one takes a minute to look to media outside of our own propaganda driven American media, they will see that many other countries are applauding Mr. Obama for the role he has taken in building the peace and strengthening the relationship between our international allies and friends the world over. A man that is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize is surely doing something right, in whatever his pursuits may be. I commend him, though I may not always agree with him, on the job he has done for our country and other thus far as our first black president of the United States, which is surely a heavy weight to carry in terms of responsibility and expectations.

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