Monday, October 5, 2009

Where IS The War Leading Us?

In a September 27, 2009 article entitled Where The War Is Leading Us, the author Ruben Navarrette discusses President Obama's plans for moving troops into Afghanistan and how these efforts appear to be changing over time. Navarrette begins stating that it seems that the president has little faith in his newly appointed top U.S. military commander and doesn't care for the General's opinions on warfare matters. The author goes on discussing how General McChrystal has asked for 45,000 additional troops to prevent failure of the Afghanistan efforts despite a difference of opinions within the White House. Navarrette concludes by stating that the support of the war by American citizens has dropped to an all time low of 39% and questions why the president is doing nothing to back the military with what it needs to do what is necessary in what the president called a "war of necessity." It seems that Navarrette's intended audience for this article is anyone who is willing to listen to and consider his stand on the topic. Although it is not a completely opinionated and/or biased article, his credibility as a political writer is questionable at best when read. He seems to be very favorable of the war in Afghanistan and definitely has biased against the president and his plan of action. Throughout the article, Navarrette makes a few very logical and evidence supported points although the evidence backing them could be considered very semantical and somewhat contrived. Through the passage, Navarrette continues to make statements to the effect that president Obama is not doing what he has stated he plans to do but doesn't seem to take any consideration into how long it may take to put forth these actions through Congress and the amount of time it takes to pass an action like this in U.S. government. Navarrette's claims that Obama is not living up to his standards or doing what he needs to in order to ensure the United State's safety come off very opinionated, non concrete evidence supported, and very biased against the president's short- lived actions in office up to this point.

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